Your Financial Independence Number Is Not Real If Nothing Changes
Your financial independence number is the amount of money you think you need in order to be free. Unfortunately, if nothing changes in your life...
Your financial independence number is the amount of money you think you need in order to be free. Unfortunately, if nothing changes in your life...
So you’ve survived the pandemic. Congrats! Now there’s potentially World War III to deal with. If World War III does happen, we should learn how...
If you want to make lots of money in real estate, you need to focus on expansion. If you can reclaim livable space or expand...
Let me share when is the best time to sell rental property with a logical framework. As a rental property owner since 2003, real estate...
If you were to ask me to describe the ideal environment for real estate investors, right now could be it. It’s actually a little surreal...
Like it or not, we are all bettors. To make things sound better, we like to call ourselves investors. But either way, we’re all constantly...
If you love your spouse, you’d make them financially independent. If you don’t truly love your spouse, then you’d make them depend on you for...
Are you aware of the risks you take online? Nearly half the U.S. population was impacted by identity fraud and financial fraud in 2020, responsible...
I’ve mentioned one of my regrets was having kids late. I was too focused on my career. Then I became too focused on achieving financial...