All 30 components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average are falling Friday, as data showing inflation continued to surge fueled another broad-market selloff. The Dow’s biggest percentage decliner was Salesforce Inc.’s stock , which dropped 4.5%. The biggest drags on the price-weighted index were shares of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , down $12.09, or 4.0%, and of Home Depot Inc. , which shed $10.78, or 3.6%. Combined, those two stocks shaved about 151 points off the Dow’s price. The Dow dropped 788 points, or 2.4% in morning trading, with 24 of the 30 stocks down more than 1%. The Dow has lost 1,695 points over the past three days. The Dow’s best performer was Chevron Corp.’s stock , which eased just 0.3%.
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