A stock-market selloff took a breather Monday afternoon, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average on track for its biggest intraday bounce-back from negative territory since February. The blue-chip gauge tumbled sharply in early trade, falling 487.7 points, or 1.44%, at its session low, before turning higher in afternoon action. The Dow was up 40 points, or 0.1%, at 33,852 in midafternoon activity. The last time the Dow was down that much on an intraday basis and closed higher was on Feb. 24, when it fell as much as 2.59% but ended the day up 0.28%, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The move comes after the Dow ended nearly 1,000 points lower on Friday, leaving it with its biggest one-day percentage decline since October 2020. The S&P 500 was down 0.2% near 4,263, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.5% to 12,908.
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