Jesus Eddie Campa is on a mission to help people turn their career aspirations into reality by providing valuable insight into his many years in law enforcement leadership. He is expected to graduate with a Ph.D. in Public Service Leadership in Criminal Justice in 2022 and has written a book titled Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You to provide others with a guide for the world of leadership
He is the CEO of two companies, AB Strategic Security Group LLC and Leading Through Adversity LLC. Campa is a specialist in security and leadership. He is well known internationally as a public speaker and for his personal narrative of overcoming adversity in a leadership role and for helping others move through their own adversity within leadership. He is a retired law enforcement executive with twenty-seven years of experience, having served as a Chief Deputy, Chief of Police twice, and State Law Enforcement Director.
Because of his first-hand experience and knowledge in a leadership role, he knows what it takes to succeed against all odds. So, who needs to read this book? Jesus Eddie Campa answers, “This book is for executives trying to navigate the ever-changing corporate world and excel in their career. This isn’t a conventional book. I attempt to explain things that aren’t necessarily taught in management development classes in college classrooms.”
He goes on to say, “Executives are facing unprecedented pressures. Global competition, limited resources, and an increased emphasis on delivering results have contributed to the rising focus on developing leaders.” Campa states, “Today’s leaders are confronted with very complicated challenges: mounting scrutiny, flatter organizations, and a future that guarantees more of each. As a result, those who aspire to take on these kinds of roles will need to employ a unique combination of intellectual and emotional strengths.”
Chapter Four in Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You discusses a very important aspect of today’s work culture that people often are unwilling to reflect on, “The art of losing.” The chapter emphasizes Campa’s belief that there is no losing, only learning. He states, “ A true leader knows that it is not in the victory that he wins, but in learning the lesson that defeat brought. Don’t let others mock you for coming up short here and there as we all do. The bitter taste of defeat allows you to know the sweet taste of victory. It is better to make a mistake that makes you humble than an achievement that makes you arrogant.” Part of being successful at a job is learning what not to do.
Leading Through Adversity states that organizations should respond to the changing corporate climate by moving leadership development programs from the classroom to actual business situations through techniques such as learning by action, establishing communities of practice, developing learning teams, and finally by assigning mentoring and coaching to team members. But that may not be enough. Many firms have turned to external executive coaches such as Jesus Eddie Campa to identify and develop personal attributes. In the U.S. alone, spending on coaching is estimated to be as much as $1 billion annually.
In addition to this changing structure, the business environment demands higher ethical behavior, accountability, and strategy execution. “Characteristics that will help leaders succeed in such an environment are being described with terms such as courage, confidence, and spirituality,” Campa says. “While left-brain competencies are often called into play in this fast-paced global environment, it may well be the emotionally based right-brain competencies such as intuition and reflection that give the edge to future leaders.”
“The focus on leadership development is important for another reason. The economic data estimates a shortage of 9.3 million workers by the end of 2021”, explains Jesus Eddie Campa. “This adds a sense of urgency to the need to develop new leadership talent. Organizations have already begun looking outside their companies and outside their industries for talent, which is a great thing for leaders in one industry looking to shift gears to another industry.”
Leading Through Adversity improves corporate and public sector productivity through a combination of research, community engagement, activities, and strategic planning focused on human capital leadership. With over 30 years of experience in leadership and leadership development. LTA has developed some of the best strategic plans for the future, which have identified and analyzed the upcoming major issues and future trends expected to influence workforce productivity.
Leading Through Adversity was created as a leadership development program for up-and-coming visionary leaders and senior leaders. They say their program encourages innovation, collaboration, diversity, and multinational problem-solving techniques that help build a stronger presence, inquisitiveness, and willingness to question the status quo. Campa says, “Never underestimate the aptitudes, creativity, and change-management maturity that proven leaders in one industry can bring to another industry if you set them loose and let them help formulate their vision of what your organization could be.”
For more information on the book, Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You and Leading Through Adversity’s leadership development program, visit: Leading Through Adversity – Jesus Campa, Leading Through Adversity